The RMAN “DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE TO <auxdbname> FROM ACTIVE DATABASE” command fails from time to time… The research revealed a strange buggy behavior explained in…
The RMAN log look like something: Look into the alert log and see if you can find something related with memory: If yes… To fix…
While trying to drop a materialized view, the session waits on the following query: This wait is due to usage tracking enabled for MVIEW operations…
WHAT IS RESOURCE MANAGER Resource Manager, is an Oracle database embedded resource allocation/scheduling mechanism that enables us to manage multiple different database workloads by assigning…
1> Show the enabled policies: 2> Flush the Audit Trail: 3> Clean the Audit Trail: Note: This might get an error -> ORA-00054: resource busy…
What is slewing?The NTP daemon will periodically update the system clock with the time from a reference clock. If the time on the reference clock…
REQUIRED SOFTWARE Hypervisor: VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win Linux Image: rhel-server-7.2-x86_64-dvd.iso Putty: Putty v0.63 XMing: Xming INSTALLATION Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 Installation (VirtualBox) [PDF]
REQUIRED SOFTWARE Hypervisor: Oracle VirtualBox 5.2.6 Linux Image: rhel-server-6.9-x86_64-dvd.iso Putty: Putty v0.63 XMing: Xming INSTALLATION Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9 Installation (VirtualBox) [PDF]
REQUIRED SOFTWARE Hypervisor: Oracle VirtualBox 5.2.6 Linux Image: OracleLinux-R6-U9-Server-x86_64-dvd.iso Putty: Putty v0.63 XMing: Xming INSTALLATION Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.9 Installation (VirtualBox) [PDF]